Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is it Spring or Winter?

Sometimes I wish Mother Nature would just make up her mind. It starts to feel like spring and then wham...we get more snow and cold! I'm thankful for the moisture that this late snow brings, but would be equally happy if it came down as a nice gentle rain! Regardless, its March and this means the end for some sports; hockey, ringette, figure skating, indoor soccer, gymnastics etc. are wrapping up for the season.

What are you most looking forward to this spring? Getting out in the yard, going for family walks, outdoor soccer season, or maybe it's getting back out on your bike that gets you excited at this time of year. I'm thankful for the longer daylight hours, warmer weather(on the days we get some), and the knowledge that this spring, my family is opting out of organized activities. I am really looking forward to family walks with our dogs, bike riding, and doing activities like swimming, playing soccer, foot ball etc. as a family and on our own timetable. If you're like me and are looking forward to some "down-time" as the weather warms up drop me a line or share a story of how it has impacted your family in a positive way!

Don't forget our Family Parent Workshop Series is still going strong. Our next installment is April 19th at 7pm at the Beaumont Community Youth Centre. The topic in April is Learning Disabilities and your Child. Come out for an informative evening, enjoy some time with other parents from your community, and have your questions answered about this important topic.

Till next time,


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